Emirates Options Advertising

Social Media Marketing

Our Plans


Monthly Membership.
  • Optimize FB Page And Instagram Page
  • 3 Posts Per Week
  • 1 Social Cover
  • Inbox Responses
  • 1 Video Promo / Week
  • 1 - 2 Stories Per Day (Content must be Provided)
  • Monthly Reporting
  • Ad Campaigns


Monthly Membership.
  • Optimize FB Page And Instagram Page
  • Optimize Tik-Tok Page And Snapchat
  • 1 Social Cover
  • Inbox Responses
  • 1 Videos Post / Week
  • 1 Video Promo / Week
  • 1 Reel Video / Week
  • 2 - 3 Stories Per Day (Content must be Provided)
  • Monthly Reporting
  • Ad Campaigns


Monthly Membership.
  • Optimize FB Page And Instagram Page
  • Optimize Tik-Tok And Pinterest Page
  • Optimize Snapchat And Youtube Account
  • 5 Posts Per Week
  • 1 Social Cover
  • Inbox Responses
  • 2 Videos Post / Week
  • 2 Video Promo / Week
  • 2 Reel Video / Week
  • 4 - 5 Stories Per Day (Content must be Provided)
  • Monthly Reporting
  • Ad Campaigns

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